Corporate Records What to Keep - Whether youÂ?ve created a corporation or limited liability company, you must maintain records.

Coverage Under Floridas Lemon Law - If you live in Florida and you've got yourself stuck with what looks to you like a lemon car, you'll want to know about the Florida lemon Law.

Overwhelmed By Student Loan Debt Consider a Consolidate Stu - A consolidate student loan is the perfect solution for people who need help managing their debt.

Business Name How To Pick One From A Legal Perspective - A business name can be a huge factor in the ultimate success or failure of the entity.

Choosing the Best Atlanta Personal Injury Lawyer - If you're in need of a personal injury lawyer, it means that you've already experienced something terrible - either you or your loved one has been hurt.

Tax Benefits of Incorporation - Some companies may seem to escape death, but they will ever be able to escape taxes.

Electronic Discovery As an Attorney Are You Prepared For It - You're sitting in your office when your secretary buzzes you and says you have a letter in from the mail.

The Role of Your Wrongful Death Lawyer - When a life is cut short by someone else?s negligence, the law in this country says that the only remedy available is monetary compensation.

Copyright Licensing Issues - When you own a copyright to a photograph, you have complete and exclusive control of how it is reproduced, displayed and distributed.

Disclosure Procedure In Commercial Injunctions - A practical guide to the weapons available to a respondent at a return date after an ex parte injunction has been granted against him in the Commercial Court.

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